“You shall kindle no fire throughout your settlements on the Sabbath day.” (Exodus 35:3) In Parashat Vayakhel Moses relays God’s instructions for building the mishkan, or Tabernacle, to the Israelites. … Continued
Archives for February 2019
Parashat Ki Tisa (Exodus 30:11-34:35)
“Aaron and all the Israelites saw that the skin of Moses’ face was radiant; and they shrank from coming near him.” (Exodus 34:30) Parashat Ki Tisa covers a lot of … Continued
Parashat T’tzaveh (Exodus 27:30-30:10)
“Place it in front of the curtain that is over the Ark of the Pact- in front of the cover that is over the Pact-where I will meet with you” … Continued
The honey and the sting – על הדבש ועל העקץ
The honey and the sting – על הדבש ועל העקץ All of us in Israel were excited to see the Shalva Band do so well on “Rising Star,” Israel’s televised … Continued
Parashat T’rumah (Exodus 25:1-27:19)
“Place the cover on top of the Ark, after depositing inside the ark the Pact that I will give you” (Exodus 25:21). Parashat Trumah begins,” The Lord spoke to Moses, … Continued