“I will look with favor upon you, and make you fertile and multiply you; and I will maintain My covenant with you.” (Leviticus: 26:9) Parashat B’chukotai opens with the classic … Continued
Archives for May 2019
Parashat B’har (Leviticus 25:1-26:2)
“Do not wrong one another, but fear your God; for I the Lord am your God.” (Leviticus 25:17) Parashat B’har describes the shmita as a shabbat shabbaton, a Sabbath of … Continued
Parashat Kedoshim (Leviticus 19:1-20:27)
“When a stranger resides with you in your land, you shall not wrong him.” (Leviticus (19:33) Parashat K’doshim’s opening words are the whole ball of wax: “And the Lord spoke … Continued
Twelve torches of Israel
Tonight, the Jewish people will pause for a moment of silence. Sirens will wail across the Israel like a single cry carried in the wind. A nation will bow its … Continued
Parashat Acharei Mot (Leviticus 16:1-18:30)
“You shall keep My laws and My rules, by the pursuit of which man shall live: I am the Lord.” (Leviticus 18:5) Parashat Acharei Mot’s opening verse states: “The Lord … Continued