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JCC Association's Blog
Day 229: Iron Swords War

By Leah Garber A few hours ago, the Hostages and Missing Families Forum released an…

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Day 228: Iron Swords War

By Leah Garber “Let me be clear: Whatever this prosecutor might imply, there is no…

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Day 223: Iron Swords War

By Leah Garber אייכה? | Ayeka? | Where are you? הנני | Hineni | Here…

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Observing Yom HaZikaron and Celebrating Yom HaAtzmaut in 2024

By Leah Garber Observing Yom HaZikaron and Celebrating Yom HaAtzmaut in 2024 Iron Swords War:…

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Day 216: Iron Swords War

By Leah Garber One can live with bad news, if what was lost is clear.…

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Day 213: Iron Swords War

By Leah Garber Yom HaShoah | Holocaust Remembrance Day: Never Again? “Where are you? What…

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Day 208: Iron Swords War

Looking Down and Asking for Forgiveness When last I wrote, it was before Pesach, a…

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Day 195: Iron Swords War

By Leah Garber This is the time to act the most holy we the Jewish…

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Day 191: Iron Swords War

By Leah Garber God who is in heaven, Protector and Redeemer of Israel, bless the…

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Day 188: Iron Swords War

By Leah Garber “Life is a Celebration”/Ilay Nachman, z”l October 9, 2023 Dear Pinemere Families,…

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