Jewish Service Members Killed in Action since September 11, 2001
El Maleh Rachamim – Memorial Prayer for Fallen Military
God on High and in our Hearts: Grant reassuring peace beneath the cover of Your Presence to all the men and women who gave their lives in defense of our country and the freedom of the world. Shelter them among the righteous souls who are as radiant as the luminous firmament. Source of Compassion, may we continue to feel their touch on our souls. Hasten the day when peace and security shall prevail, when “nation shall not lift up sword against nation, and there shall be no need to prepare for war.” May the day come when the world will stand together as one. May the memory of our fallen brothers and sisters serve as an inspiration to us and as a comfort to all their loved ones. Amein
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Pontell, Darin
LTJG, Navy
Pentagon 9/11/01
Pentagon, Arlington, Virginia
Smith, Eric A.
CW3, Army
New York 4/2/03
Central Iraq
Evnin, Mark A.
Cpl, Marines
Vermont 4/3/03
Central Iraq
Wershow, Jeffery M.
SPC, Army National Guard
Florida 7/6/03
Baghdad, Iraq
Bernstein, David R.
1st LT, Army
Pennsylvania 10/18/03
Taza, Iraq
Fletcher, Jacob S.
PFC, Army
New York 11/13/03
Samara, Iraq
Seiden, Marc S.
SPC, Army
New Jersey 1/2/04
Baghdad, Iraq
Dvorin, Seth J.
2LT, Army
New Jersey 2/3/04
Iskandariyah, Iraq
Wong, Elijah Tai Wah
SGT, Army National Guard
Arizona 2/9/04
Sinjar, Iraq
Bruckenthal, Nathan B.
PO3, Coast Guard
New York 4/24/04
Northern Persian Gulf
Schrage, Dustin H.
Cpl, Marines
Florida 5/6/04
Anbar province, Iraq
Sherman, Alan D.
Sgt, Marines
New Jersey 6/29/04
Southeast of Baghdad
Engel, Mark E.
LCpl, Marines
Colorado 7/21/04
Brook Army Medical Center, Fort Sam Houston, Texas
Tarlavsky, Michael Y.
CPT, Army
New Jersey 8/12/04
Najaf, Iraq
Stern, Andrew K.
1stLt, Marines
Tennessee 9/16/04
Anbar province, Iraq
Harrington, Foster L.
Sgt, Marines
Texas 9/20/04
Anbar province, Iraq
Cohen, Michael R.
Cpl Marines
Pennsylvania 11/22/04
Anbar province, Iraq
Shackelford, Michael B.
SGT, Army
Colorado 11/28/04
Ramadi, Iraq
House, John D.
PO3, Navy
California 1/26/05
Rutbah, Iraq
Watkins, Glenn J.
SPC, Washington Army National Guard
California 4/05/05
Baghdad, Iraq
Freeman, Daniel J.
SPC, Army
Ohio 4/6/05
Ghazni, Afghanistan
Budeysky, Steven M.
SGT, Army
Moldova 5/19/05
Yahudah, Benyahmin Ben
SPC, Army
Georgia 7/27/05
Baghdad, Iraq
Allen, Howard Paul
SGT, Army National Guard
Arizona 9/26/05
Baghdad, Iraq
Jacobson, Elizabeth N.
A1C, Air Force
Florida 9/28/05
Near Camp Bucca, Iraq
Clark, Ryan J.
CPL, Army
California 6/29/06
San Antonio, TX
Wolfe, Colin J.
PFC, Marines
Virginia 8/30/06
Habbaniyah, Iraq
Paul, Robert J.
SSG, Army Reserve
Oregon 9/8/06
Kabul, Afghanistan
Oremus, Michael K.
PFC, Army
New York 10/2/06
Baghdad, Iraq
Secher, Robert Michael
Capt, Marines
Tennessee 10/8/06
Anbar province, Iraq
Krissoff, Nathan M.
1stLt, Marines
Nevada 12/9/06
Anbar province, Iraq
Blum, Aron C.
Sgt, Marines
Arizona 12/28/06
Naval Medical Center, San Diego, CA
Weiner, Timothy, R.
TSgt, Air Force
Florida 1/7/07
Baghdad, Iraq
Agami, Daniel J.
SPC, Army
Florida 6/21/07
Northern Baghdad, Iraq
Bitton, Albert
CPL, Army
Illinois 2/20/08
Baghdad, Iraq
Wolfer, Stuart A.
MAJ, Army
Florida 4/6/08
Baghdad, Iraq
Rosenberg, Mark E.
MAJ, Army
Florida 4/8/08
Baghdad, Iraq
Capra, Anthony L.
TSgt, Air Force
California 4/9/08
Golden Hills, Iraq
Yelner, Jonathan A.V.
SrA, Air Force
California 4/29/08
Near Bagram, Afghanistan
Farkas, Daniel
1LT, Army National Guard
New York 7/4/08
Kabul, Afghanistan
Weinger, Robert M.
SGT, Army National Guard
Illinois 3/15/09
Jalabad, Afghanistan
Pine, Shawn
LTC, Army Reserve
Texas 5/20/09
Near Kabul, Afghanistan
Schulte, Roslyn L.
1st Lt, Air Force
Missouri 5/20/09
Near Kabul, Afghanistan
Fairbairn, Aaron E.
PFC, Army
Washington 7/4/09
Combat Outpost Zerok, Afghanistan
Walker, Morris L.
PFC, Army
North Carolina 8/18/09
Dila, Afghanistan
Sklaver, Benjamin A.
CPT, Army Reserve
Massachusetts 10/2/09
Muscheh, Afghanistan
Kane, Jeremy M.
LCpl, Marines
New Jersey 1/23/10
Helmand province, Afghanistan
Zilberman, Miroslav Steven
LT, Navy
Ohio 4/2/10
Arabian Gulf
Fisher, Zachary M.
SGT, Army
Missouri 7/14/10
Lagman, Afghanistan
Gebra P. Noonan
PFC, Army
Connecticut 9/24/10
Fallujah, Iraq
Malachowski, James M.
SSgt, Marine Corps
Maryland 3/20/11
Helmand Province, Afghanistan
Schultz, Joseph W.
CPT, Army
Washington 5/29/11
Wardak province, Afghanistan
Soufrine, Eric D.
PFC. Army
Connecticut 6/14/11
FOB Farah, Afghanistan
Nuncio, Levi E.
SPC, Army
Virginia 6/22/11
Kunar province, Afghanistan
Green, Douglas J.
SPC Army
Virginia 8/28/11
Kandahar Province, Afghanistan
Shapiro, Steven F.
PFC, Army
California 10/21/11
Tallil, Iraq
Seidler, Matthew R.
A1C, Air Force
Maryland 1/5/12
Helmand Province, Afghanistan
Brodsky, Michael J.
PO2, Navy
Florida 7/21/12
Kandahar province, Afghanistan
Kantor, Matthew G.
PO2 (SEAL), Navy
New Jersey 11/1/12
Zabul province, Afghanistan
Somers, Daniel A.
SGT, Army National Guard
Arizona 6/10/13
Phoenix, AZ
Silverman, Joshua B.
CW2, Army
Arizona 12/17/13
Now Bahar, Afghanistan
Taub, Peter W.
SSgt, Air Force
Pennsylvania, 12/21/15
Near Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan
Celiz, Christopher Andrew
SFC, Army
South Carolina, 7/12/18
Paktia province, Afghanistan
Yizkor 5783
Fallen U.S. Service Members of All Faiths
May 2023
Major Stephen Khou, USAF, 36 of Pennsylvania, died May 24 in Kuwait
Spc. Jayson Reed Haven, USA, 20 of South Carolina, died May 25 in Kuwait
January 2024
Sgt. William Jerome Rivers, USA, 46 of Georgia, died January 28 in Jordan.
Sgt. Kennedy Ladon Sanders, USA, 24 of Georgia, died January 28 in Jordan.
Sgt. Breonna Alexsondria Moffett, USA, 23 of Georgia, died January 28 in Jordan.
March 2024
Lt. Col. Orlando Bandeira, USA 54 of Florida, died March 4 in Israel.
Aviation Machinist Mate 2nd Class, USN, Oriola Michael Aregbesola, 34 of Florida, died March 20.