By Jane E. Herman American Thanksgiving traditionally is celebrated at home in the company of family and friends. Of course, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, nothing is as it should … Continued
Archives for November 2020
Parashat Vayeitze: Where Disappointment and Gratitude Co-Exist
By Vanessa Stark Waye This week we celebrate Thanksgiving in the U.S., acknowledging and giving thanks for all the bounties we have received this year! Have you been counting your … Continued
Parashah Toldot: How Jacob and Esau Can Help Us Bring Out the Best in Ourselves and Others
By Sarah Koffler This Shabbat, we will read from Parashah Toldot (Genesis 25:19-28.9), which includes the story of Isaac and Rebekah’s children, Esau and Jacob. After fertility issues and Isaac’s … Continued
Remembering Lord Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
By Samantha Cohen Saturday, November 7, 2020 is a day I’ll never forget. With my windows wide open amidst unseasonably warm weather in New York City, I could hear the … Continued
Parashat Chayei Sarah: Permission to Live Fully
By Isabel Mares “Pain is important: how we evade it, how we succumb to it, how we deal with it, how we transcend it.” – Audre Lorde “Love is the … Continued
RootOne Marcus Foundation Grant Supports JCC Association Teen Trips to Israel
New Funding Strengthens Students’ Jewish Identity, Preparing Them for Campus Life NEW YORK — JCC Association of North America is pleased to announce that it has received a grant from … Continued
JCC Professionals Selected as Fellows in Mandel Executive Leadership Program
16-Month Training Program Helps Advance Jewish Life in North America NEW YORK — JCC Association of North America is pleased to announce that seven JCC professionals have been selected to … Continued
What Do You Know About Jews Who Have Served Our Country?
By Joshua J. Chinsky Conceptually, most people know that Jews serve in the American armed forces. And yet, to meet or know a Jewish service member first-hand, active or veteran, … Continued
Parashat Vayera: What Can We Learn From Abraham About Tough Conversations?
By Sue Gelsey Every family has its own customs for holiday gatherings and family dinners. These conventions clarify who hosts, who is invited, where people sit, and the general flow … Continued
Rabin’s Spirit of Hope and Unity Lives On
By Leah Garber Today marks the 25th anniversary of the assassination of Israel’s Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. With his casual gaze and distinctive forelock (in his younger days), Rabin was … Continued