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Posts by JCC Association

Day 244: Iron Swords War

By Leah Garber To Agree or Not To Agree, That Is the Question. Last weekend President Biden addressed the American people and revealed the outline of the newest deal offered … Continued

Day 242: Iron Swords War

By Leah Garber ”אל תשליכני לעת זקנה, ככלות כחי אל תעזבני“ “Do not cast me off in old age; when my strength fails, do not forsake me!” Who, from time … Continued

Day 229: Iron Swords War

By Leah Garber A few hours ago, the Hostages and Missing Families Forum released an edited version of chilling documentation from the Nahal Oz base that shows Hamas terrorists abducting … Continued

Day 228: Iron Swords War

By Leah Garber “Let me be clear: Whatever this prosecutor might imply, there is no equivalence—none—between Israel and Hamas. We will always stand with Israel against threats to its security.” … Continued

Day 208: Iron Swords War

Looking Down and Asking for Forgiveness When last I wrote, it was before Pesach, a holiday that more than anything signifies redemption. Since then, we all sat around festive Pesach … Continued