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Results for: discover catch

Update from JCC Israel Center

…in and out of Israel.” It was a nice show of support from someone who can catch the media’s attention. And an even nicer message: That he, too, is part…

Parashat Tazria (Leviticus 12:1-13:59)

…The midrash (rabbinic interpretations) teaches that tzara-at (a catch-all term for skin diseases) is a punishment for slander and malicious gossip (Leviticus Rabbah, 16:1). Rabbi Yisrael Salanter (1810-1883; founder of…

Not Just Another Trip to Israel

By Jeff Dannick “How was your trip?” Such a simple question, but as I have discovered since returning from Israel, almost impossible for me to answer. This was my bar…

Between the Meetings

…programs, supporting our work with seniors, and every task imaginable to provide our staff some additional respite or simply helping us catch up after a month of unexpected twists and…