New Partnership Offers Israel Education Certificate to JCC Professionals Initiative will expand depth of Israel education in JCCs across North America NEW YORK, NY—JCC Association of North America joins the … Continued
Archives for January 2021
Parashat Beshalach: The Short Road Isn’t Always the Best Road
By Rabbi Irving A. Elson Growing up, certain phrases uttered by my dad always struck panic in my family: “Yeah, I think I can fix that!” “This doesn’t seem so … Continued
Remembering the Four Chaplains: 78nd Anniversary of the Sinking of the USS Dorchester
“Four Chaplains Day” every February 3, commemorates the sinking of the USS Dorchester, a military transport carrying about 900 U.S. Army troops during World War II, and the “Four … Continued
How the JCC Movement Is Celebrating Tu B’Shvat
By Jane E. Herman Although it’s the middle of winter for many of us in North America, in Israel, it’s time to celebrate trees and the earth as they awaken … Continued
The JCC Movement Honors MLK’s Legacy
By Jane Herman “We must use time creatively, in the knowledge that the time is always ripe to do right.” – Martin Luther King Jr. Long devoted to non-violent efforts … Continued
Parashat Vaera: You, Too, Have a Voice
By Mark S. Young King George VI: Listen to me! Listen to me! Lionel Logue: Why would I waste my time listening to you? King George VI: Because I have … Continued
Binnacles and Jewish Lenses: Guiding Forces in the World
By Kathy Pomer When I was a kid, my dad and I sailed often on the Chesapeake Bay in the Serendipity, our beautiful, beloved boat. When he wasn’t at the … Continued
Two North American Jewish Community Centers Awarded Funding from Zionism 3.0 Project
Two North American Jewish Community Centers Awarded Funding from Zionism 3.0 Project Winning programs will address antisemitism biases and strengthen post-pandemic Jewish community NEW YORK, NY—Zionism 3.0, an initiative of … Continued
JCC Movement Responds to Events at the U.S. Capitol
JCC Association of North America condemns yesterday’s unprecedented attack on our democracy and on the United States Congress by a mob seeking to disrupt the electoral process and the peaceful … Continued
Parashat Shemot: Who’s Acting in the Image of Whom?
By Jane E. Herman Several times in this week’s Torah portion, Parashat Shemot (Exodus 1:1-6:1), Moses, destined to be among history’s greatest leaders, displays what the Reverend Adam Hamilton, the … Continued