JCC Association of North America
We lead and connect the JCC Movement, advancing and enriching North American Jewish life.
JCC Association Adds Two Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Professionals to Staff Charged With Advancing and…
Irving S. Weinstein Philanthropic Funds Supports Students NEW YORK — JWB Jewish Chaplains Council®, a…
JCC Association Supports Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders Calls on House and Senate to Address…
JWB Jewish Chaplains Council® to Cooperate with Jewish Communities in the Gulf Newly formed organization will…
New Partnership Offers Israel Education Certificate to JCC Professionals Initiative will expand depth of Israel…
“Four Chaplains Day” every February 3, commemorates the sinking of the USS Dorchester, a…
Two North American Jewish Community Centers Awarded Funding from Zionism 3.0 Project Winning programs will…
JCC Association of North America condemns yesterday’s unprecedented attack on our democracy and on the…
Addison-Penzak JCC Merges With Jewish Federation of Silicon Valley Twin Cities’ JCCs Merge to Create…
NEW YORK — JWB Jewish Chaplains Council® (JWB), a signature program of JCC Association of…